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Rice Export in 🗓️ 2023 and Q1-2024: A Successful Conference in Can Tho

The Ministry of Industry and Trade hosted a highly successful conference in Can Tho to discuss rice exports in 2023 and Q1-2024.

🗓️ Q1-2024 Rice Export Results:

• Export Volume: Rice exports surpassed 2.18 million tons, equivalent to USD 1.43 billion. This represents a 17.6% increase in volume, a 45.5% increase in export value, and a 23.6% increase in price compared to the same period in 2023.
• Market Dominance: Vietnam emerged as the leading rice exporter to Singapore, with export value soaring by 80.46% compared to the same period in 2023.

Notable Highlights 🌈:

• High-Value Rice Surge: High-value rice varieties, including fragrant rice, ST rice, premium white rice, and japonica rice, experienced a significant surge in demand.
• Free Trade Agreement Utilization: Enterprises effectively leveraged new-generation Free Trade Agreements to expand market reach into Europe.
• Stringent Market Compliance: Vietnamese rice successfully met the stringent requirements of discerning markets.

Challenges to Address ⭐:

• Market Stability: The export market remains vulnerable due to overreliance on a few traditional markets.
• Market Development Support: Market development efforts require further enhancement to match the sector's growth potential.
• High International Freight Rates: The impact of high international freight rates on export costs needs to be addressed.

Forecasts and Directions 📢:

• Potential Demand Decline: Rice import demand in major markets like the US and EU may decline due to the effects of inflation and rising unemployment rates.
• Market Monitoring: Close monitoring of market conditions is crucial to formulate effective export strategies.
• Niche Market Focus: Prioritize untapped niche markets with high potential, such as the EU, South Korea, and the US.
• Market Information Enhancement: Strengthen market intelligence and provide comprehensive support to rice exporters.

Conclusion ➡️:

While rice exports in Q1-2024 have shown positive results, several challenges remain. Sustainable and effective export promotion strategies are essential to contribute to global food security.
Dự báo thị trường trong năm 2024
Tổng kết xuất khẩu gạo Việt Nam trong quý 1-2024
Báo cáo xuất khẩu gạo Việt Nam trong năm 2023